It is important to follow certain indications to avoid infecting, getting infected and taking care of our loved ones who are a part of high-risk groups, which are: Seniors People living in a home for seniors or a facility for long-term care Cancer Chronic kidney disease COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) People with a compromised


Using medication with no control when we do not actually know if they work is a double risk that may lead to secondary effects. For now, the best way to prevent spreading is by washing our hands frequently, avoiding to touch our eyes, mouth and nose, covering our mouth with the inside of our elbow

Greeting is a daily act that we do whenever we arrive or exit a place with people, whether we know them or not. Traditionally, this gesture is sometimes accompanied by a handshake, a hug or a kiss on the cheek. Following health measures and taking care of our health and the health of our coworkers,


Wherever you go, try going by yourself with no children, it is important to keep your distance from others once you arrive to your destination or going into any space. If you see people entering or exiting in groups, wait for a little while for these groups to dissipate in order to respect social distancing.


We must remain vigilant and follow all health and hygiene measures like we did the first day, cases continue to increase and we must opt to set an example. If you see someone who is not using their mask properly or who is not wearing one, it does not mean we are out of danger,


Self-isolation for personnel who traveled to Site. Any M3 personnel who has traveled to Site for a visit or who has been assigned to site must go through a 14-day self-isolation period before showing up at M3’s facilities. In case you require something from the office, please contact Human Resources in order to find some


Use all the communication channels and respect social distancing. Make sure to verify the existing communication lines available to you for the execution of you activities at the office or from home. Ask for the phone numbers of your colleagues working with you in the same projects or discipline; invite others to form WhatsApp groups


When to stay home? COVID-19 affects each person in different ways. Most infected people present symptoms of a mild or moderate intensity, and recover without the need for hospitalization. The most common symptoms are: Fever Dry cough Tiredness Some less frequent symptoms are: Discomfort and pain Sore throat Diarrhea Conjunctivitis Headache Loss of smell and


Responsible planning will help avoid anxiety, stress and depression; issues associated with working from home. The increase of work from home, as a part of the sanitary measures for social distancing in response to COVID-19, has led many companies to adopt this strategy to carry out their work and remain productive. However, mental and emotional

Food is essential. Which is why even in a state of quarantine, nobody stops visiting supermarkets. However, we all know that we must limit our contact with other people in order to stop the spread of the virus. Then, what preventive measures can we take so we can shop with a greater peace of mind?