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Food is essential. Which is why even in a state of quarantine, nobody stops visiting supermarkets.

However, we all know that we must limit our contact with other people in order to stop the spread of the virus. Then, what preventive measures can we take so we can shop with a greater peace of mind?

The first recommendation would be the same as for any other person who leaves the house: limit your contact with other groups of people, wash your hands as soon as you get back home and avoid touching your face at all costs.

Keep an eye for any symptoms you or the people around you may show. Pay special attention if you have any difficulty breathing, a fever or dry cough. If for any reason you think you might have been exposed to the virus in the past few days, be solidary and follow a self-imposed quarantine.

“Since everyone starts panicking easily, grocery stores get saturated. If you are a person older than 60 or have a compromised immune system, the best option is to have someone else shop for you, if you have that option”. There are some apps that offer to delivery those products to your house.

Many of these services offer to deliver groceries without having any direct contact with you, since all the payment procedure is done electronically. The only thing you must really take into consideration is that now all those services have a very high demand. The best recommendation is to place your order with anticipation, even a week before if possible.

Note: “There is no possibility of social distancing if 30 more people are waiting with you in line at Costco”

Avoid touching anything with your hands while shopping. Many stores now offer wipes and hand sanitizer but carry some with you just in case. It is important to clean the cart handles and the freezer doors.

After unpacking your groceries, wash your hands once more and clean the kitchen surfaces.

Take care, let us all take care of each other!