University of Hawaii 2.2-Meter Telescope Remodel

The University of Hawaii (UH) 2.2-Meter Telescope project is constructed near the summit of Mauna Kea, on the Island of Hawaii.  The UH 2.2 went into operation in 1970.  After many years of weathering due to the extreme environmental factors, M3 provided design and engineering services to repair the facility.

M3’s scope of work included hazardous material abatement (paint and asbestos), exterior upgrades, interior upgrades and electrical upgrades.  Exterior upgrades included the following:

  • Addition of lightning protection and grounding
  • New roofing and exterior painting
  • New metal panels and support structure at fixed base
  • Replacement of doors and exterior insulation
  • Addition of roof drains including heat trace
  • Removal of unused equipment
  • Installation of new safety guardrail system at roof perimeter
  • Extension of exterior catwalks and ladder with cage
  • Addition of camera mounts with power and communication